
Welcome to Miare, the heart of our world, where magic, mythology, and multiculturalism intertwine to create an immersive, dynamic setting for your tabletop role-playing adventures. Embark on a journey of discovery, where gods exist in a plane adjacent to our own, serving as constant companions to mortals, and where the Prime Essence, the common life force of all beings, fuels our mystical abilities.

In Miare, tradition dictates the practice of magic, which is regarded as a sacred dialogue between mortals and gods. This dialogue is built on the foundations of respect, reverence, and mutual understanding. The land is home to several religious institutions, each dedicated to the numerous gods who inhabit this realm, creating a deeply spiritual environment ideal for those who seek order and structure.

To the east of Miare, you will find the technologically advanced region of Anehashi, governed by the Anehashi Alliance. Here, mortals and gods walk side by side, with deities often embodying great figures who directly influence the world. Magic in Anehashi is self-driven, requiring practitioners to harness energy from within themselves to manipulate the Prime Essence. It is a place for the daring and innovative souls who dare to push boundaries and forge their own destiny.

Venture to the west, and you'll find the Wild Garden, where gods embody the spirits of the world. Here, magic is about unity and harmony. Practitioners offer their own magic to the spirits, who reciprocate with their unique magical abilities. The Wild Garden is a place of deep respect for the natural world and its cycles—perfect for those who resonate with nature and seek to understand its rhythms.

Despite the stark contrasts, there is a sense of balance and harmony across all regions. No god completely overshadows another; they coexist in a complex interplay, sometimes in alliance, sometimes in opposition. This interplay is reflected in the behaviors and roles of their followers, creating a world of vibrant complexity where diversity of thought and belief is not only tolerated, but celebrated.

Miare is a world steeped in duality, where every light has its shadow, and every creation its destruction. It's a world filled with a vast array of cultures, with an intense appreciation for both the natural and supernatural, the material and immaterial. The arts flourish here just as much as science and logic. Miare is a paradox—a world of beauty and decay, wisdom and folly, courage and fear, love and hatred.

So, brave adventurers, prepare to delve into the rich tapestry of Miare, where every choice matters, every action has its consequences, and every being has a part to play in the grand cosmic drama. Welcome to Miare—the stage is set, and your adventure awaits!