About Gods

The gods of this land are fairly respected with most people giving their prayers and praising them as a common thing. While fanatics are rare, there is a group that enforces their god’s ways with absolute confidence.

Worshipping is done different based on the gods. Paying tribute to the Immortal Dragon is to tell him of your adventures and news of the world, because before he ascended, he was both a scholar and an adventurer. The flip side would be the Unfeeling Moon, where you report on actions taken to keep balance in the world and who is abusing magic.

Some are housed vs exiled because they lost the last god war. The winners take the spotlight of the people, however, the main reason the last war left such a bad taste in the people's mouths was because if the other group had won, they were going to wipe out life and start over again.

believers of each god perceive and interact with followers of the other gods the same as sports teams for the most part. My team is better than yours, look at how good we are at following our deity... Or you have others who just accept all of them as the pantheon it is. Some even the exiled. They may not worship them but they respect them as deistic beings.

Gods like the Muse of Inspiration and the Ray of Hope are viewed in societies that may be undergoing hardship or conflictin a strained manner dependant upon based on the person. One could see the sculpted clouds and think: They did that for me, because I am suffering.... Or they may scoff at how the gods play with the clouds as mortals toil away in misery.

Immortal Dragon made himself a god by being granted a small touch of God power and understanding the underlying laws of reality and source through the Prime Essence. Several gods fear the power of the Immortal Dragon because he granted himself godhood, which means he also knows how to remove it.

There is a divine hierarchy in this world, with some gods being more revered or influential than others.

The world has experienced significant historical events like god wars that have shaped societal norms and beliefs.

Followers of exiled gods are stigmatized due to the actions of these gods during the god war.

There is a balance between mortal and divine realms, which the gods and their followers work to maintain.

Gods can directly or indirectly influence certain aspects of reality, such as the Immortal Dragon encouraging adventurers or the Gardner of the Immortals promoting good harvests.

The pantheon of gods is dynamic and not static. New gods can ascend, and existing gods can be exiled or potentially lose their godhood.

The Prime Essence is a universally acknowledged source of magic and divine power, albeit with regional variations in interpretation.

Interactions between followers of different gods can range from competitive to respectful, similar to supporters of rival sports teams.

The creation and control of magic is likely tied to the Prime Essence.

Worship practices are specific to each god and reflect their individual domains and personalities.

Some gods like the Immortal Dragon and the Unfeeling Moon serve as custodians of knowledge and balance, respectively.

Followers of gods can interpret their gods' actions and signs in different ways, particularly in times of hardship.

Conflict resolution between followers of different gods can be complex, as their respective deities may have conflicting domains or goals.

The Immortal Dragon holds a unique position among the gods due to his self-granted godhood.

The gods' interactions with their followers seem to be quite direct, given the examples of worship provided.

The perception of gods can shift over time, with the Red King being remembered as the Great Warrior before his exile.

Gods have a significant impact on natural phenomena and can influence weather, agriculture, and possibly other aspects of the physical world.

Some gods, like the Gardner of the Immortals, have a specific realm they preside over, in this case the Heavenly Garden.

There seems to be a tacit understanding or agreement among the gods to refrain from complete destruction of life, as shown by the reaction to the exiled gods' intention in the god war.

Despite their divine power, the gods operate within certain boundaries or laws of reality, as seen in the Immortal Dragon's understanding of the underlying laws through the Prime Essence.