Unfeeling Knights

The Unfeeling Knights are under the Unfeeling Moon deity. They are trained to suppress emotion completely and strictly follow the law without hesitation. They believe that magic should not be used without good reason but will not address affairs that are domestic in nature unless a clear violation is visible. If you need help, go to the guards, not the Unfeeling Knights. Guards are trained there to help the people and enforce the law, Unfeeling Knights only enforce the law. Due to the nature of this, some towns outright deny Unfeeling Knights to operate in the town while others use them as their protection exclusively instead of the normal guard training. Unfeeling Knights mark the face of an accused with a magic symbol in the shape of a moon. If the accused resists, the symbol burns onto their face until acquitted or the sentence is served. It fades based on the level of compliance and completion but will cause pain if further resistance occurs.