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Name combines "Wi" (To Teach/Inform) and "Ge" (Single). It means "The Language of Knowledge" or "Teaching Language," emphasizing the language's role as a tool for communication and knowledge sharing.


  • I - Me (Self)
  • A - We (Inclusive)
  • E - It
  • U - You (Singular)
  • O - You (Plural)
  • Zi - They (Neutral)


  • Be - To Begin/Initiate
  • Ba - To Continue/Maintain
  • Bu - To End/Conclude
  • Bo - To Rest/Idle
  • Za - To Repeat


  • Di - Densest Matter
  • De - Matter
  • Do - No Matter (Void)


  • Gi - Multiple
  • Ge - Single
  • Go - Null/None


  • Ti - Past
  • Te - Present
  • To - Future


  • Wi - Imperative (Command)
  • We - Interrogative (Question)
  • Wa - Perfective (Completed Action)
  • Wo - Progressive (Ongoing Action)

Additional Vocabulary

  • B - Power/Energy
  • Chi, Cha, Che, Chu, Cho - Expressing Levels of Feelings
  • Fi, Fa, Fe, Fu, Fo - Expressing Morality from God to Demon
  • Hi, Ha, He, Hu, Ho - Describing Life, from Essence to Inanimate
  • Ji, Ja, Je, Ju, Jo - Describing Position and Direction
  • Li, La, Le, Lu, Lo - Expressing Interactions from Consume to Expel
  • Mi, Ma, Me, Mu, Mo - Describing Quantity, from Most to Zero
  • Ni, Na, Ne, Nu, No - Describing Life Stages from Soul to Death
  • Ri, Ra, Re, Ru, Ro - Describing State from Most to Zero
  • Si, Sa, Se, Su, So - Expressing Requirement and Possession
  • Shi, Sha, She, Shu, Sho - Describing Relations from Family to Opposition
  • Thi, Tha, The, Thu, Tho - Describing Association from Matching to Opposite
  • Wi, Wa, We, Wu, Wo - Describing Knowledge from Teach to Unknown
  • Zi, Za, Ze, Zu, Zo - Expressing Similarity and Differences

Word Construction:

Form sentences using the following structure: Pronoun + Tense + Verb + Noun + Adjective. For example, "I Ti Be Di Gi" translates to "I began creating many dense matters".


  • Chi - Expressing feelings of joy or great happiness.
  • Cha - Expressing feelings of anger or high negative emotion.
  • Che - Expressing neutral feelings or emotional balance.
  • Chu - Expressing feelings of fear or apprehension.
  • Cho - Expressing feelings of sadness or lowest positive emotion.


  • Fi - Representing god-like or deity entities.
  • Fa - Representing heroes or highly moral individuals.
  • Fe - Representing ordinary mortals or beings.
  • Fu - Representing villains or immoral individuals.
  • Fo - Representing demonic entities or highly corrupt individuals.


  • Hi - Denoting essence or magic.
  • Ha - Denoting sentient beings or those with a mind.
  • He - Denoting the origin or source of something.
  • Hu - Denoting non-sentient beings or entities without a mind.
  • Ho - Denoting inanimate objects or entities without a soul.

Position and Direction

  • Ji - Denoting height or vertical positioning.
  • Ja - Denoting forward or ahead direction.
  • Je - Denoting direction or intent.
  • Ju - Denoting side direction (Maju = Left, Muju = Right).
  • Jo - Denoting rotation or angle.


  • Li - Denoting the act of consuming or taking in.
  • La - Denoting the act of supporting or assisting.
  • Le - Denoting the act of absorbing partially or meeting equally.
  • Lu - Denoting the act of blocking or preventing.
  • Lo - Denoting the act of expelling, releasing or radiating.


  • Mi - Denoting the most or maximum.
  • Ma - Denoting greater or more than average.
  • Me - Denoting equal or balanced.
  • Mu - Denoting lesser or below average.
  • Mo - Denoting zero or least.

Life Stages

  • Ni - Denoting the concept of spirit or soul.
  • Na - Denoting the process of growing or healing.
  • Ne - Denoting life or the state of living.
  • Nu - Denoting the process of dying or a state of decay.
  • No - Denoting death or the state of being dead.


  • Ri - Denoting the state of most or maximum.
  • Ra - Denoting a positive state or more than neutral.
  • Re - Denoting a neutral state.
  • Ru - Denoting a negative state or less than neutral.
  • Ro - Denoting a state of zero or null.

Requirement and Possession

  • Si - Denoting requirement or need.
  • Sa - Denoting desire or want.
  • Se - Denoting having or being a part of something.
  • Su - Denoting should have or relies on.
  • So - Denoting missing or unreachable.


  • Shi - Denoting relation of family.
  • Sha - Denoting relation of group or team.
  • She - Denoting relation by association.
  • Shu - Denoting unknown or uncertain relation.
  • Sho - Denoting opposing or adversarial relation.


  • Thi - Denoting match or similarity.
  • Tha -

Denoting together or with. - The - Denoting belonging to or possession. - Thu - Denoting without or apart from. - Tho - Denoting opposite or contrarily to.


  • Wi - Denoting the act of teaching or informing.
  • Wa - Denoting the act of learning or analyzing.
  • We - Denoting the state of information or knowing of something.
  • Wu - Denoting the act of forgetting or dismissing.
  • Wo - Denoting the state of unknown or mystery.

Similarity and Differences

  • Zi - Denoting repetition or doing again.
  • Za - Denoting similarity or akin to.
  • Ze - Denoting reference to or of something.
  • Zu - Denoting difference or modification.
  • Zo - Denoting null or non-existent.

Grammar and Syntax Rules

Sentence Structure: The basic sentence structure follows a Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) order. In other words, the subject comes first, followed by the verb and then the object.

Example: "I Te Be De" would mean "I am creating matter."

Tense Marker: Tenses are expressed by inserting the tense marker after the subject and before the verb.

Example: "I Ti Be De" translates to "I began creating matter."

Adjectives: Adjectives follow the noun they modify.

Example: "I Te Be De Gi" means "I am creating multiple matters."

Questions: Questions can be formed by beginning the sentence with the interrogative mood marker 'We'.

Example: "We U Te Be De" translates to "Are you creating matter?"

Imperatives: Commands can be formed by starting the sentence with the imperative mood marker 'Wi'.

Example: "Wi U Be De" translates to "Create matter!"

Negative Sentences: Negation can be expressed by adding 'Go' before the verb.

Example: "I Go Te Be De" translates to "I am not creating matter."

Creating New Words

Word Formation: New words can be formed by combining different morphemes based on their meanings. For instance, "BeDe" could mean "Creator of Matter" by combining "Be" (To Begin/Initiate) and "De" (Matter).

Compound Words: Compound words can be formed by combining two or more words. For instance, "BeDeGi" can mean "Creator of Multiple Matters."

Word Modification: You can modify existing words to create new ones by adding prefix or suffix markers. For instance, you might decide that adding "Mi" in front of any noun amplifies its meaning. So, "MiDe" would mean "A lot of matter."

Remember, creating a language is a creative process. Feel free to adjust these rules as you see fit or as the language evolves. You might also want to think about how to express more complex ideas like conditionals (if, then statements), comparisons (better, worse, as good as), and more nuanced time aspects (had been running, will have been running, etc.).